• Answers to Your Questions

Answers to Your Questions

Section #1

  • What is an FAQ Page?

    An FAQ page is a webpage dedicated to listing and succinctly answering frequently asked questions from website visitors.

    FAQ pages have been around since before the modern commercial Web.

    They originated on Usenet groups both as a navigational tool and as stand-alone curated content. Ecommerce websites adopted the format, especially since online buyers could not physically examine products or talk to a sales rep.

    Unfortunately, FAQ pages have also been used for miscellaneous catch-all content pages or as band-aids for bad user experience.

  • Should I Have an FAQ Page?

    Ideally, your website would answer all customer questions as they crop up. The best user experience anticipates and solves problems before the user has to solve the issue themselves.

    That said, FAQ pages are a known-page for users. It can be a nice reassurance for customers — there if they need it, but hopefully they don’t have to actually use it.

  • So what makes a good FAQ page?

    Like most marketing questions – it depends. You have to break the problems down into components and solve each issue for your website.

Section #2

  • How do I place an order?

    If you have chosen a favorite sporting goods, then click 'Add to cart', and it will automatically be placed in your shopping cart. You can then continue to select products in our online store, adding to your shopping cart as sporting goods, as needed.If you have already completed the selection of sporting goods, then proceed directly to checkout.


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